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Environmental Policy

"Reducing our carbon footprint to the minimum"


The twenty first century at its onset brought with it in a more defined form the pros and cons of globalization. The biggest advantage of globalization has been the augmentation of economies and the consequent creation of jobs. But on the flip side, the most significant corollary of development has been the corrosion of the environment. As a concerned corporate citizen, Lords Chemicals believes that the environment can not only be a participant but also a beneficiary of this development. Hence we are focused on reducing our carbon footprint and paying special attention to the enrichment of the environment.

To put this theory into action we at Lords Chemicals have stringently worked toward the development of a series of policies In accordance with the domestic as well as the global standards. We pay special attention to waste management since we are aware of the harmful consequences of the callous disposal of factory wastes. The waste products left behind in our production units are treated with suitable chemicals to render them safe for disposal. Through this we ensure that we do not pollute the environment with any hazardous materials and contribute in our small way towards its protection. We wish to be respected by all stakeholders, including customers, employees, vendors, share owners and community at large, as a company dedicated to not just technological advancement but also environmental enhancement.

And To achieve this, we strive toward the:
  • preservation of resources
  • avoidance of pollution
  • elimination of accidents, occupational injury and infirmity
  • observance of all appropriate legislations